
Pennsylvania had been a center of industrial production for a century leading up to the second World War. Naturally, the state changed the focus of it's manufacturing to the war effort when the US joined the conflict in 1941. Pennsylvania's main contribution to the Homefront was its creation of resources such as steel, the mining of coal, and agriculture.
Delaware County

This was the country in which Stokes registered for the draft.
Pennsylvanian Steel Mills

Mills such as these were prominent in the Pennsylvanian Homefront. The mills produced the steel that was required to output such huge numbers of planes, guns, ammunition, and other resources. The mills provided an exorbitant amount of jobs for locals, and thousands migrated to these new war towns. Over the course of WWII, Pennsylvania provided 20% of the worlds steel and 31% of the US's.
Military Bases

During the war there were more than forty military bases residing within Pennsylvania; some well constructed like Carlisle Barracks, pictured above, and others shoddily thrown together. The entire military ecosystem had to be enlarged during the period to compensate for the huge influx of resources and soldiers.

During the war, to ensure the military had the resources it needed, all of the citizens on the Homefront had to ration. They abstained from overindulging in essential materials such as rubber, steel, Gasoline, and cloth; in further support, civilians could only have certain amounts of sugar, meat, butter, cheese, bread, and eggs. Victory Gardens, advertised above, were encouraged to keep the population fed without putting massive strain on the food supply in the US.
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